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Introducing Tuscany
The role that Tuscany has played in Western civilisation cannot be overstated. With a repertoire that features Michelangelo’s sculptures, Botticelli’s paintings or Giotto’s altarpieces, there’s an embarrassment of riches in Tuscan art collections. Florence alone can claim to hold an impressive share of mankind’s most precious masterpieces. Tuscans were equally ground-breaking in architecture, from the mind-blowing intricacy of Pisan gothic to the ingenuity and elegance of Florentine renaissance.
Although Tuscany is famed for its grandiose cities, there is also much to see and admire in its sublime countryside. Photographers delight in ingeniously-designed gardens built by the Medici as much as they will be captured by the manicured countryside of this hill-crowned land. Avenues of cypress trees lead the eye to stately villas and noble residences. Olive groves are punctuated by perfectly-preserved stone villages. Landscapes in the Chianti, the Val d’Orcia or in the Maremma are a natural spectacle year round.
There is a rustic elegance to Tuscan life. Farming here is considered a fine skill, and the hearty cuisine an art form. Rural Tuscany offers the photographer countless opportunities to portray lives lived well under the Tuscan sun.
I have a vast collection of photographs of Tuscany, built over several years of travelling. These include an extensive series on Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca, and other major towns of the region.

List of photographs of Tuscany available in my collection
FIRENZE (from 2010 to 2021) — Most major sites in the historic centre – Squares, Palazzo Vecchio, Cathedral, Giotto’s Campanile, Ponte Vecchio, Basilica of Santa Croce, Santa Maria Novella, Carmine & Brancacci chapel, San Giovanni Baptistry and mosaics, Palazzo Pitti & Giardini Boboli, frescoes, details, panoramic views, autumn and summertime.
PRATO (August 2019) – Historic centre, churches, squares, PISTOIA (August 2019) Historic centre, churches, sculture di Giovanni Pisano, Ospedale del Ceppo, MONTECATINI TERME (August 2019) Tettuccio, Art nouveau architecture.
LUCCA (June 2013) – historic centre, churches, squares, medieval walls, night-time series, historic shops.
PISA (June 2013) – cathedral, Leaning tower, baptistry & churches of the historic centre, Arno river.
MEDICI VILLAS IN TOSCANA (2019) – La Petraia, Poggio a Caiano, Belcanto a Fiesole, La Ferdinanda ad Artimino & OTHER VILLAS in renaissance style – i Tatti in Settignano, Villa Gamberaia in Settignano.
CHIANTI CLASSICO (September 2018) – Greve in Chianti, Montefioralle, Radda in Chianti, Gaiole in Chianti – Castello di Brolio, Monteriggioni, COLLI SENESI – Poggibonsi, San Gimignano, San Miniato.
SIENA (June 2013, September 2018) – Historic centre, Contrade in traditional costumes.
VOLTERRA (September 2018) – historic centre, archeological areas, COLLINE METALLIFERE Bolgheri & Super Tuscan winemaking, Viale dei Cipressi (cypress lanes) Campiglia Marittima, Massa Marittima, Suvereto.
AREZZO & VALDICHIANA (October 2021) – Arezzo (All Piera della Francesca frescoes, autumn leaves), Castiglion Fiorentino, Montecchio (fog, sun), Cortona.
VAL D’ORCIA (May 2011) – San Quirico d’Orcia, Pienza, Montepulciano, Montalcino, Brunello winemaking, Monticchiello.
Events – Calcio Storico Firenze, Contrade Siena, flag throwing display.