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Introducing Molise

Molise is small in both size and population. It is the only Italian region that exists for political rather than historical reasons, being split from neighbouring Abruzzo in the 1960s to stimulate its economic development. Although the region has a modern number of tourist attractions, the photographer who ventures into Molise is rewarded by a stunning wilderness and the authenticity of a quaint, serene lifestyle.

Molise is not without its cultural interests; cities like Isernia and Venafro are beautiful, and there are notable archeological sites scattered nearby, most of them liked to the pre-Roman people who inhabited this land: the Samnites. Their territory extended into what is now Campania, including the area around Benevento, an intriguing and historically charged town. 

My photographs include Isernia, Venafro and its surrounding landscapes, and a comprehensive series on Benevento. 


List of photographs of Molise available in my collection

VENAFRO (June 2017) – Historic centre – Mura ciclopiche, Sala dei Cavalli.

ISERNIA (June 2017) – Historic centre.

Photo Galleries of Molise

Benevento & il Sannio




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